Pedagogical system of cross-cultural tolerance formation of the future masters of economics


  • Інна Борисівна Єрастова-Михалусь S. Kuznets National University of Economics 9a Nauky ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



pedagogical system, cross-cultural tolerance, components, communication, pedagogical principles, methods, forms


The main components (objectives, principles, content, methods and forms) of the pedagogical system of cross-cultural tolerance formation of the future masters of economics are considered and analyzed; the content of the mentioned professional quality formation is determined; methods, forms and tools of cross-cultural tolerance formation as well as the ways of effective realization of the stated goal are suggested

Author Biography

Інна Борисівна Єрастова-Михалусь, S. Kuznets National University of Economics 9a Nauky ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Postgraduate student

Department of Foreign Languages and Translation


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Pedagogical Education