The influence of modern learning theories on transformation of methodological science at higher pedagogical school of Ukraine




methodological science, competence, transformation, professional preparation of future primary school teachers


In the article the different strategies of teaching of students are analysed in the countries of the globalised world (the USA, Canada, Great Britain), among which are named: constructivism (D. Djonassen, R. Ronning, G. Shrow and others), theory of transformation (R. Boyd, M. Clark, J. Mezirov and others), humanistic and cognitive theory of learning (A. Maslow, J. Miller and others), which are variously explained by a teaching process. It is specified that at the level of private theories and teaching models they complement each other quite often.

It is described that at determination of strategies of teaching in the countries of the globalised world, priority is given to: development of motivation to teaching; self-education, self-realisation and self-actualisation of personality; organisation of the process of teaching that eliminates competition; teaching to work in a team; forming of willingness to live and work in difficult and constantly changing world.

Based on modern theories of teaching mentioned above, basic changes in methodological science are named at the higher pedagogical school in the preparation of future primary school teachers, which at the focus of attention put competence approach, educational results and methods of their measuring; functions, roles of teacher and students; update of maintenance of leading methodological principles, forms, technologies; variability, interdisciplinarity, antropologisation, informatisation, globalisation

Author Biography

Людмила Викторовна Коваль, Berdyansk State Pedagogical University 2 Pushkina str., Berdyansk, Ukraine, 71100

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Director of the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts


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Pedagogical Education