Animal DNA identification in food products and animal feed by real time polymerase chain reaction method
polymerase chain reaction, DNA species identification, beef, pork, chickenAbstract
Approbation of diagnostic tests for species identification of beef, pork and chicken by real time polymerase chain reaction method was done. Meat food, including heat treated and animal feed, was used for research. The fact of inconsistencies was revealed for product composition of some meat products that is marked by manufacturer
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Copyright (c) 2016 Людмила Мар’янівна Іщенко, Лариса Миколаївна Шинкаренко, Ілля Володимирович Андрєєв, Любов Іванівна Калакайло, Вадим Дмитрович Іщенко, Владислав Геннадійович Спиридонов

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