Diagnosing the development of literary competence of future language and literature teachers


  • Людмила Олександрівна Базиль Borys Hrynchenko Kyiv University of Postgraduate Education Institute 17 Pavlo Tychyna ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 02152, Ukraine




literary competence, diagnosing, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature (Ukrainian teacher), literary competence development


Informational and technological dimensions of the society demand new ways of literary phenomena comprehension as every person independently finds, masters and spreads the message in a single informational environment. Therefore, personality self-realization greatly depends on his/her abilities to recognize texts properly, evaluate them objectively and effectively use acquired knowledge, skills and experience under new circumstances. The mentioned qualities are the part of the literary competence, the problem of diagnosing of which this article is devoted to

Author Biography

Людмила Олександрівна Базиль, Borys Hrynchenko Kyiv University of Postgraduate Education Institute 17 Pavlo Tychyna ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 02152

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of psychology and methodology of preschool and primary education


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Pedagogical Education