Validation evaluation of the technological process of leonurus turkestanicus liquid extract production


  • Олеся Владимировна Сермухамедова Asfendiyarov’s Kazakh National Medical University 94 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 000050, Kazakhstan
  • Зуриядда Бектемировна Сакипова Asfendiyarov’s Kazakh National Medical University 94 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 000050, Kazakhstan
  • Лилия Николаевна Ибрагимова Asfendiyarov’s Kazakh National Medical University 94 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 000050, Kazakhstan
  • Евгений Владимирович Гладух National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine
  • Сергей Владимирович Степаненко National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002, Ukraine



Leonurus turkestanicus herb, liquid extract, technological process validation, checklists


Aim. The transfer of Leonurus turkestanicus liquid extract production technology and its validation at LLC «FitOleum» (GMP compliance report conclusion CT PK 1617-2006 «Good Manufacturing Practice. Remedies production. Basic provisions» № 18, Nov. 21, 2014.).

Methods. Different known statistical methods have been used to evaluate and to interpret both technological parameters and indicators that were determined during quality control of herbal material, intermediate product, and final product. A Statistical process control (SPC) concept is applied as a basis for all accepted international instruments ICH Q8 «Pharmaceutical Development», ICH Q10 «Pharmaceutical Quality System», PAT Concept, and FDA Guidance for Process Validation.

Results. As a result of research normative documents that regulate manufacturing process in the test conditions have been developed. A comparable data across technological parameters of three consistently manufactured test production series have been obtained, as well as validity of the extract production technological process has been proved.

Conclusion. On the basis of research, the experimental-industrial procedure for Leonurus turkestanicus herb liquid extract production at the LLC «FitOleum» has been developed

Author Biographies

Олеся Владимировна Сермухамедова, Asfendiyarov’s Kazakh National Medical University 94 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 000050

Modul «Pharmacyst-technologist»

Зуриядда Бектемировна Сакипова, Asfendiyarov’s Kazakh National Medical University 94 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 000050

Dr. of Pharmacy, Ass. prof., Head of the modul «Pharmacyst-technologist» 

Лилия Николаевна Ибрагимова, Asfendiyarov’s Kazakh National Medical University 94 Tole-Bi str., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 000050

Candidate (PhD) of Pharmaceutical Sciences, techer of the modul «Pharmacyst-technologist» 

Евгений Владимирович Гладух, National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of pharmacy, Professor

Head of Industrial Pharmacy Department

Сергей Владимирович Степаненко, National University of Pharmacy 53 Pushkinska str, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61002

Candidate (PhD) of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ass. prof.

Industrial Pharmacy Department


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Pharmaceutical Sciences