Diagnostic system of the determination of the levels of basic competence formation of the future technicians-electricians at the polytechnic colleges


  • Анжела Володимирівна Подозьорова Kherson Polytechnic College of Odessa National Polytechnic University 23-а 40 years of October str., Kherson, Ukraine, 73000, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4188-9304




basic competences, criteria, indicators, formation levels, technicians-electricians, polytechnic colleges


In the article was determined the essence of the notion “basic competence” of specialists, on the base of Branch standard of the higher education on preparation direction “Electroenergetics, electrotechnology and electromechanics” were separated the main basic competences of the future technicians-electricians that are formed during their natural-scientific preparation, especially at studying physics at polytechnic colleges. There was described structural-component composition of the subject (physical), information-communicative and self-educative competence. The author noted that the obligatory components of whatever competence of the future specialist must be: positive motivation to the demonstration of competence; value attitude to the content and result of activity; knowledge that is the base of choice of the method of correspondent activity; skills and abilities for realization of the necessary actions on the base of the received knowledge.

There were also determined criteria, indicators, levels and its characteristics for components of basic competences formation of the future technicians-electricians. There were selected and grounded the complex of theoretical, practical, creative means of diagnostics. The special attention was paid to the fact that the offered diagnostic system is oriented on monitoring of value-motivational, cognitive, operational-active, reflexive components of the basic competences of the future specialists in energetic branch

Author Biography

Анжела Володимирівна Подозьорова, Kherson Polytechnic College of Odessa National Polytechnic University 23-а 40 years of October str., Kherson, Ukraine, 73000


Department of natural-science training


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Pedagogical Education