Spiritual and moral education in ukraine: contemporary state and perspectives


  • Iryna Sidanich Department of development of educational institution and higher schoolpedagogics Management and Psychology Institute of State higher educational institution «University of Educational Management» National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine st. Artem, 52-A, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



Słowa kluczowe:

spiritual and moral education, collaboration of program updating with the needs of Ukrainian schools, training programs of spiritual and moral content.


The article investigates legal regulation of spiritual and moral education in Ukrainian, finds out innovative content and priority areas (ЗНЯТО), the connection between the updating of content of spiritual and moral education and the needs of secondary schools in the development, testing and implementation of training programs of spiritual and moral content, teacher training  as a purveyor of spiritual and moral education of school children.

Biogram autora

Iryna Sidanich, Department of development of educational institution and higher schoolpedagogics Management and Psychology Institute of State higher educational institution «University of Educational Management» National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine st. Artem, 52-A, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer


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Pedagogical Education