The effectiveness of the program of physical culture and health classes using folk games in the process of physical education of children 3-4 years old.




game activity, children of preschool age, psychomotor development, efficiency, folk games


One of the areas of physical education and harmonious development of preschool children is the use of various forms and means of game activity. Purpose: to determine the effectiveness of the program of physical education classes using folk games in the physical education of children aged 3-4 years. Methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of data from scientific and methodical literature; formative pedagogical experiment, observation, testing, psychodiagnostic methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Organization: 57 children aged 3-4 years, including 29 girls and 28 boys, took part in the study. 29 children were involved in the experimental group, 28 in the control group. Results. The program includes the following game tools: plot (fairytale) games with elements of dramatization; simulation games that copy the animal and natural world; games with limited speech text; round-robin games and tanks; games of historical and social orientation; games depicting labor processes and people's daily life; ceremonial and customary games. Within the framework of the experiment, positive dynamics were established in the development of psychomotor qualities of children in the experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups, however, the expression of changes in quantitative parameters in the development of psychomotor skills after the end of the experiment differed in the children of EG and CG, as evidenced by statistically better quantitative changes in the studied indicators children of EG. As a result of pedagogical influence, an improvement in the ratio of the number of children according to the level of psychomotor skills was observed. At the end of the study, it was found that 13.33% of girls had a high level, 26.67% were above the average and 60.00% were average, and 14.28% were boys with a high level, 28.58% were above the average. and average - 57.14%, respectively, in the absence of children with a low level of psychomotor development. Also, the indicators of mental development of EG children improved significantly (p<0.05) in all components and an increase in the number of children with a positive emotional state was achieved (an increase in the share of girls from 66.66 to 86.67% and from 57.14 to 85.72% in boys). The general emotional climate in EG at the end of the study corresponded to a high degree of favorability.

Author Biographies

Viktoriya Pasichnyk, of Lviv State University of Physical Culture I. Bobersky

Doctor of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Sports and Recreational Games

Nataliia Sorokolit, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after I. Boberskyi

Doctor of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture

Ivan Karatnyk, Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky

PhD (physical education and sport), associate professor of sports and recreationnal games


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How to Cite

Pasichnyk, V. ., Sorokolit, N. ., & Karatnyk, I. . (2024). The effectiveness of the program of physical culture and health classes using folk games in the process of physical education of children 3-4 years old. Sports Games, (2(32), 84–97.