Indicators of ball hits on the goal of the finalist the 2022 World Cup of the French national team




удари в площину воріт, удари повз ворота, удари вище воріт, заблоковані удари


Analysis of the performance of the strongest teams of the world allows to form the main trends that have emerged in modern football. Today the significance of each game episode increases. The purpose of the research is to analyze quantitative and qualitative indicators of shots on goal of the French national team at the World Cup from football in 2022. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data scientific and methodical literature, methods of pedagogical observations, methods of mathematical statistics. Registration of technical and tactical actions (hits on the goal) of the national team of the French team was carried out during the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Six games with the teams of Australia, Tunisia, Poland, England, Morocco, Argentina. Shots into the plane of the goal, shots past the goal, shots were registered above the goal, blocked shots, scored goals. Shots in general and head shots were recorded. The results of the study: as a result of the conducted study were established differences in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of shots on the opponents' goal by the players of the national team the France team at the 2022 World Cup. The average indicators of hits on goal for the French national team in six games. Quantitative indicators of the French national team are: Australia - 16 shots, Tunisia - 8 shots, Poland - 16 shots, England - 7 shots, Morocco - 15 shots, Argentina - 4 shots. The average for six games was 11 blows The failure rate was 62% for the teams of Australia, 75% for Tunisia, 38% for Poland, England – 43%, Morocco – 75%, Argentina – 62%. The average indicator of the failure rate for six games accounted for 59%. Conclusions: As a result of the conducted research, it is established that the players of the French national team in six games of the 2022 World Cup made 11.0±2.74 shots on goal per game. The greatest number of hits was made in the game with the teams of Australia and Poland - 16. Shots on the goal plane the most the number made in the game against Australia - 6 shots and Poland - 10 shots. In six games the French national team scored 2 goals with a header, which is an average of 0.3 goals per game.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Perevoznyk , Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Ph.D. in Physics. Ex., Associate Professor

Volodymyr Paievskyi, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

Ph.D. sp., associate professor


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How to Cite

Perevoznyk , V. ., & Paievskyi, . V. . (2024). Indicators of ball hits on the goal of the finalist the 2022 World Cup of the French national team. Sports Games, (2(32), 98–105.