Analysis of indicators of technical and tactical interactions in 3x3 basketball


  • Anton Musiyenko Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди, Ukraine
  • Olena Nesen H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine
  • Zhanna Tzymbaliyk H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ukraine



3x3 basketball, technical-tactical action, technical-tactical interaction, curtain, game indicators


Today, team game sports are developing intensively, new varieties of them are appearing. The achievements of Ukrainian 3x3 basketball teams at the international level are significant, but they are episodic in nature and tend to decrease in rating indicators. One of the modern trends in the development of game sports, and 3x3 basketball in particular, is the diversification of technical and tactical actions and interactions, which occurs with the growth of sportsmanship. The relevance of the research problem is due to the lack of analysis of the competitive activity of highly qualified players in a new sport, taking into account the quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical and tactical actions and interactions, which is necessary for the development of player training programs. Purpose: determination and comparison of indicators of technical and tactical interactions among high-class 3x3 basketball players in different age categories. Material and methods. The material of the study was the performance indicators of the players of the leading national teams of the world and Ukraine in 3x3 basketball at international competitions during 2022. The research used theoretical analysis of data from scientific and methodological literature, Internet data on the research problem, pedagogical observation, analysis of competitive activity of qualified 3x3 basketball players, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the analysis of the game actions of 3x3 basketball players of the leading teams of the world and Ukraine at international competitions in different age categories revealed a steady tendency to increase the quantitative and qualitative indicators of technical-tactical interactions with the growth of sportsmanship (in the national team of Serbia, the number of effective attacks after technical-tactical actions - 46.4%, after interactions - 53.6%). In the national teams of Ukraine, this trend is supported, but the predominant contribution to the result of competitive activity is made by individual actions (in the national team of Ukraine - 58% to 42%, respectively). As a result of the analysis of indicators of technical and tactical interactions, a significant increase in both the number and implementation of interactions with the use of curtains in the leading teams of the world was established (from 14 interactions with 34% of implementation in the France U-18 team, 30 with 40% of Poland U-23 to 47 interactions with 55.3% implementation in the Serbian team). In national teams of Ukraine, indicators of the number of these interactions are almost unchanged (from 1.0 to 1.5 on average per game) with relatively low implementation (from 28.6% to 37.5%). Conclusions. The obtained quantitative and qualitative indicators of the game actions of 3x3 basketball players of the world's leading teams at international competitions in various age categories show that with the growth of sportsmanship, effective technical-tactical interactions bring the greatest contribution to the result of the game (up to 53.6% of Serbia). The individual style of play prevails in the national teams of Ukraine. There is a clearly expressed tendency to increase technical and tactical interactions with the use of curtains, the volume of which in the highly qualified 3x3 basketball players of Serbia is 9.5 on average per game, and their effectiveness is 55.3%.

Author Biographies

Anton Musiyenko, Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г.С. Сковороди

recipient of the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy

Olena Nesen, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD (physical education and sport)

Zhanna Tzymbaliyk, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

PhD (Physical education and sport), assistant professor


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How to Cite

Musiyenko, A. ., Nesen, O. ., & Tzymbaliyk, Z. . (2023). Analysis of indicators of technical and tactical interactions in 3x3 basketball. Sports Games, (1(27), 40–50.