Requirements for the training of a coach in game sports
coach, training, competence, experienceAbstract
Changes in the educational paradigm in Ukraine are aimed at modernizing higher education and training future highly qualified specialists who can compete in the labor market. A specialist in the field of physical culture and sports must have a thorough worldview, modern economic thinking, management and organizational skills in accordance with the profile of their activities, as well as high general culture. The purpose of the study: based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature to summarize the current requirements for the training of a coach in game sports. Results of the research. Professional education in the field of coaching is based on a deep study of the structure and functions of the body of athletes, their personality, adaptation to extreme activities in sports in combination with a significant amount of continuous practice in sports and pedagogical disciplines. The training of a modern coach requires the integration of educational, scientific and sports activities. Effective management of the training process and competitive activity of highly skilled athletes, members of national teams requires from the coach, along with the possession of the latest training methods and readiness to build training based on an understanding of the individual characteristics of athletes, the ability to identify those characteristics and indicators that will be the key to success in sports in the near future. Conclusions. The analysis of scientific and methodological information and Internet sources of experience allowed to determine that the problem of coach training in sports games is one of the most urgent. The modern coach should be distinguished by initiative, the need for continuous development and enrichment of their knowledge, the ability to boldly make innovative decisions and actively implement them in life. Acting in the conditions of scientific and technical revolution, he is put in such conditions when he needs not only to know and be able to do a lot, but also to be prepared professionally, physically and mentally. The training of highly qualified coaches is an important part of the system of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports.
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