Model morphofunctional indicators of highly qualified volleyball players
fat component, muscle component, bone mass, water contentAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the model indicators of the body composition highly qualified volleyball players of the Ukrainian Super League. Material and methods. 13 volleyball players with the qualification of master of sports, candidate for master of sports, who were part of the team of VC "MHP-Vinnytsia" participating in the Championship of Ukraine among men's teams of the Super League, took part in the study. Using the method of anthropometry, we determined the body length of the studied players using a standard height meter. Morphofunctional diagnostics involved determining the body composition of volleyball players using the Tanita BC-601 body composition monitor. The morphofunctional profile of volleyball players included the following indicators: body weight (kg) and body mass index (kg/m2); fat component content (%); muscle component content (kg); bone component content (kg); body water content (%). Results. The age of the studied volleyball players was 21.92±1.21 years, the average height of the players was 1.98±0.02 m, body weight - 90.49±3.42 kg, body mass index - 23.06±0.71 kg/m2, the total content of the fat component in the body was 11.42±1.11 %, the total content of the muscle component was 76.10±2.24 kg, the total water content in the body of volleyball players was 63.06±0.78 % , bone mass – 3.90±0.11 kg. Conclusions. 18 indicators were determined that characterize the stature and body composition of highly qualified volleyball players of the Ukrainian Super League. The analysis of the obtained data showed a slight asymmetry in the distribution of fat and muscle components in the legs and arms of the athletes, related to the nature of the volleyball game. Since highly qualified athletes are considered ideal models in the chosen sport, the obtained indicators of the body composition can be characterized as model and serve as a reference point for assessing the prospects of young people.
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