Use of innovative fitness technologies to improve physical fitness in women's beach volleyball
6D-Sliding, Procedos, beach, volleyball, physical, training, fitness, technologiesAbstract
The article is devoted to determining the effectiveness of introducing modern innovative methods of wellness fitness training in the process of physical training of qualified beach volleyball athletes by improving their physical fitness indicators and their indirect impact on the result of competitive activities during the sports season. For the first time, a general description and characteristics of one of the most modern fitness techniques of Procedos and the possibility of using it in combination with other methods of wellness training to improve physical fitness in women's beach volleyball are presented. The purpose of the study – optimization of the physical fitness of highly qualified volleyball players specializing in beach volleyball during the preparatory period of the annual training cycle, based on the use of innovative fitness technologies. During the experimental study, the following methods were used: analysis of Special Scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations; pedagogical experiment; control tests; expert assessment; methods of Mathematical Statistics. The results. The results of the study showed that at the end of the 2021 sports season, volleyball players had mainly average values of indicators of the level of special physical fitness. The results of this season indicated a fairly high efficiency of the training process of volleyball players aged 16-18 in terms of physical fitness, but they were not fully satisfied from the point of view of sports results. After the end of the 2nd part of the experiment (corresponds to the end of the sports season 2022), athletes showed not only a significant improvement in the indicators of control tests for physical fitness, but also a high positive qualitative change in the level of physical fitness. A convincing additional confirmation of the high degree of effectiveness of the innovative fitness techniques used in the work, borrowed from the health training for the training of highly qualified athletes, was the results of performances of the best representatives of beach volleyball from among the athletes who took part in the experiment, in the 2022 sports season at the largest international competitions. The results of the work substantiate the use of health-improving fitness technologies, such as TRX, HIIT, Procedos, 6D-Sliding in the process of physical training of qualified athletes in beach volleyball. Conclusions. The materials obtained during the experiment indicate that the use of innovative fitness technologies in the preparatory period of the training process of beach volleyball players to improve their physical fitness allowed to increase the efficiency of the physical training process as a whole, which gives grounds to recommend this program for practical use in the system of sports training of volleyball players at the stage of preserving the highest sportsmanship.
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