Mental and emotional-volitional state of qualified female handball players




handball, well-being, activity, mood, personal anxiety, reactive anxiety


The relevance of the article is determined by the researches in the field of sports psychology and physical exercises, which show that motivational factors contribute to achievements in both individual and team sports. The article is devoted to define the mental and emotional-volitional state of qualified female handball players as a basis for developing author's program for improving this aspect of preparedness. The purpose of the research is to characterize the mental and emotional-volitional state of qualified female handball players in the preparatory period. In the course of the research, the following methods have been used: analysis of special, scientific and methodical literature, analysis of documentary materials, method of operative assessment of well-being, activity and mood (WAM), diagnosis of self-esteem by Ch. D. Spielberg, Yu. L. Khanin to determine the level of personal and reactive anxiety, definition of a depressive state and volitional self-regulation, methods of mathematical statistics. Female athletes from the main and reserve team of the handball club "Halychanka", c. Lviv participated in the research. Results of the research. As a result of the research, motivation is considered from several specific points of view, including achievement motivation, motivation in the form of competitive stress, as well as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Based on the obtained results, it has been determined that at the ascertainment stage of the research (preparatory period), a decrease in activity, apathy, and poor health were observed in qualified female handball players, which was manifested in fatigue, psycho-emotional exhaustion, lethargy, irritability and pessimism. Some complained of increased fatigue, a feeling of anxiety, headaches of various localization, which are aggravated by minor nervous tension, decreased appetite, sleep disturbances. In addition, high levels of reactive and personal anxiety were obtained. Also, there is no depression in 14%, mild situational depression was observed in 39%, sub-depressive state has been observed in 36%, high level of depression in 11% of female handball players. According to the indicator of self-control, 43,00% of female handball players had an average level, 32% - had a low level, and 25% - had a high level, which characterizes them as capable of controlling their own emotions and self-confident. Conclusions. The results of the conducted research will be taken into consideration during the development of a program for improving the mental and emotional-volitional state of qualified female handball players.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo Diachenko , Zaporizhzhia National University

Postgraduate Student at the Department of Theory and Methodsof Physical Culture and Sports

Valeri Tyshchenko , Zaporizhzhia National University

Doctor of Sciences in Physical Education and Sports, Professor, Professor at the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports


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How to Cite

Diachenko , M., & Tyshchenko , V. (2023). Mental and emotional-volitional state of qualified female handball players. Sports Games, (2(28), 41–52.


