The main characteristics and features of games similar to basketball and its varieties




баскетбол, мінібасктебол, стрітбол, корфбол, нетбол, резбол, цестобол, рінгбол, слембол


The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the main varieties of basketball. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific, methodological literature and Internet sources, surveys (conversations, interviews), pedagogical observation. Results of the research. The most famous varieties and games similar to basketball are: minibasketball, maxibasketball, streetball, korfball, netball, rezball, cestoball, ringball, slamball and water basketball. The common feature for all of them is the goal of the game - to throw the ball into the basket. The differences are in the size and requirements for the courts: basketball, streetball, minibasketball, and rezball require basketball courts where it is possible to dribble; korfball, netball, cestoball, ringball can be played on any court with markings; and slamball and water basketball, respectively, trampolines and a pool. The height of the basket in the games is different: ringball, korfball, mini- and water basketball have a basket height different from the usual height of the basket (305 cm), like in basketball; the rest, in all the above games, the height of the basket is standard basketball. Due to the shape of the basket construction, games such as korfball, netball, cestoball and ringball do not have a basketball backboard, but only a basket on a special structure. There are also differences in ball size and requirements for games, length of play and number of players involved. As for the specifics of player movements, in koffball, netball, cestoball, ringball, participants have certain areas of permission to play, and in other games, players are allowed to play without restrictions in all part of the playing field. Conclusions. The main varieties and games similar to basketball are minibasketball, streetball, korfoball, netball, rezball, cestoball, ringball, slamball and water basketball. These varieties create conditions for the possibility of activities for people of any age (minibasketball for children, maxi basketball - for people over 30 years old), articles (netball, cestoball - for women, korfball - mixed teams) and health (basketball on wheelchairs , basketball for the deaf). A common feature for all the above games is the goal of the game - to throw the ball into the basket. The differences are in the size and coverage of the court, the duration of the game and the number of players, the construction of the basketball hoop and the requirements for the ball, the characteristics of movements on the court and restrictions on the use of certain technical techniques. Thus, everyone can find the optimal type of basketball for themselves, depending on their wishes and capabilities, if they are not satisfied with the classic game of basketball.

Author Biographies

Halyna Lavrin , Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка,Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University

D. in Physical Education and Sports, Associate Professor

Iryna Anheliuk , Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University

D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor

Nataliia Osip , Lecturer Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University

D. in Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Lavrin , H., Anheliuk , I. ., & Osip , N. (2023). The main characteristics and features of games similar to basketball and its varieties. Sports Games, (2(28), 61–71.


