Historical aspects and prospects of the development of basketball in independent Ukraine as a professional sport





basketball, professional sports, history, team, federation


The article is devoted to the formation of knowledge on the history of the development of basketball in the times of independent Ukraine, necessary for the professional formation of future specialists in physical education and sports. The article examines the historical aspects and prospects of the development of professional basketball in Ukraine. The information, based on the generalization of theoretical material about the achievements of Ukrainian athletes, coaches, specialists of Ukrainian basketball on the international arena, is highlighted. The purpose of the research is to determine the historical aspects of the formation and development prospects of basketball as a professional sport. Results of the research. The latest path in the history of basketball development is reflected, starting with 1991, the year of the declaration of independent Ukraine. Since 1992, Ukraine has created its own National Olympic Committee. This year, the independent public organization FBU (Basketball Federation of Ukraine) was approved at the state level. In 1993, the Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" was adopted, which gave the right to the formation of professional sports structures. In 1993, the NOC of Ukraine was finally recognized by the International Olympic Committee. In 1995, the women's national team of Ukraine won the title of European champions for the first time. In 2005, the first professional basketball club "BC Kyiv" was founded. In connection with changes in the rules for the organization of FBU competitions in the national championship, foreign basketball players are allowed to participate for the first time. The state is undergoing changes in standards in the National Strategy for the Development of Education, Physical Culture and Sports until 2021, and the National Strategy for Healthy Physical Activity in Ukraine until 2025. Several ways of solving the problem related to the development of professional sports in Ukraine have been considered. Added data on the importance of student sports, physical education and basketball in institutions of higher education. The research made it possible to determine the key historical events, the most significant achievements of athletes, coaches, organizers, in the formation of basketball at the professional level, conditions for further development in Ukraine. Conclusions. The provided material provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the historical aspects of the formation of basketball as a professional sport in Ukraine and the prospects for its development in the future. The formation of knowledge about the history of development, the current state, the prospects for the development of basketball is necessary for the intellectual worldview of young people, the assimilation of theoretical material from the disciplines: "History of Sports", "Theory and Methodology of Sports Games", "Professional Sports", quality training of future basketball specialists.

Author Biographies

Yurii Ostapenko, Sumy State University

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sports

Roman Stasyuk , Sumy State University

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport

Nataliia Dolgova , Sumy State University

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport

Ivan Salatenko , Sumy National Agrarian University

associate professor of the department of physical education and sports


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How to Cite

Ostapenko, . Y., Stasyuk , R., Dolgova , N., & Salatenko , . I. (2023). Historical aspects and prospects of the development of basketball in independent Ukraine as a professional sport. Sports Games, (2(28), 72–84. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2023-2.07


