The current state of technical and tactical training of young tennis players 8-9 years of age




technical and tactical preparation, tennis players 8-9 years of age, practice process


The rapid development of game sports and the growing importance of technical and tactical training at the initial stage, require the need to use new approaches in the organization and conduct of the training process of young athletes.  The purpose of the research is to determine the current state of technical and tactical training of young tennis players 8-9 years of age. Material and Methods: In accordance with the purpose and objectives, the research program included methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical testing, and methods of mathematical statistics. The research was carried out with young tennis players engaged in initial training groups at the sports club "Maximus" in the village of Slobozhanske, Dnipro district, Dnipro region. As research subjects took part 15 young tennis players of 8-9 years old. The research was conducted in a certain sequence of actions. The analysis of the available scientific and methodical literature was carried out, the experience of domestic and foreign specialists was studied, pedagogical observation of the educational and training process of young tennis players engaged in the "orange" level of training was carried out. The readiness of players aged 8-9 years to move to the next level of training was determined. Results: the article presents the peculiarities of organization and conducting of tennis classes at the "orange" level of training according to the program of the International Tennis Federation "Tennis for children under 10 years old", reveals modern approaches to the educational and training process, which provide for the creation of a developing environment for players of 8-9 years old by keeping an account, attracting bonuses, organizing the conditions for performing exercises to achieve the goal in the tasks. The level of technical and tactical preparedness of young players was tested in order to determine the readiness of young tennis players to move to the "green" level of training. Conclusions. The application of the program "Tennis for children under 10 years old", modern approaches to the organization and conducting of tennis classes had a positive influence on the level of technical and tactical fitness of young tennis players of 8-9 years old.

Author Biographies

Olha Khaniukova , Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sport, Associate Professor Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Yaroslav Maloivan , Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Khaniukova , O., & Maloivan , Y. (2023). The current state of technical and tactical training of young tennis players 8-9 years of age. Sports Games, (2(28), 112–120.


