Development of older preschool age children’s physical qualities by means of the sports game football
physical qualities, children of older preschool age, sports game football, physical education project, system of workAbstract
Purpose of the study is to research and implement a system of work on the development older preschool age children’s physical qualities by means of the sports game football. Materials and methods. 36 children of older preschool age took part in the experimental study. Two experimental groups were formed, identical in level of physical development, morpho-functional state and physical fitness within these children. One group - control (KG, n=18|), studied according to the educational program "Child". The second - experimental group (EG, n=18), studied according to the educational program "Child" and the developed work system for the development of physical qualities of older preschool children by means of the sports game football). Methods of the research: theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; pedagogical observation; conversation; testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. All diagnostic methods were used comprehensively. Testing (according to E.°Vilchkovskyi) was used to study the level of development of older preschool age children’s physical qualities. Results. The testing showed that the results are not high, both in EG and CG, according to all indicators of physical qualities. There was a very low score in agility among children in CG and EG (CG - 9 people among 18 had high and medium level; EG - 10 people among 18). The indicator of speed was almost the same in both groups. There was a higher index of endurance and flexibility among children in CG and EG. The obtained indicators of the ascertaining stage of the experiment confirmed the theoretical proposition that it is necessary to implement a system of work on the development of physical qualities of older preschool age children by means of sports game football. At the formative stage of the research, a system of work on the development of physical qualities of older preschool age children by means of football was developed and implemented. It included the physical education project "Football for preschoolers". At the control stage of the experiment, the effectiveness of the proposed system for the development of older preschool age children’s physical qualities by means of the football game was verified. It has been found that the sports game football is an effective means of developing older preschool age children’s physical qualities. The indicators of older preschool children’s physical qualities at the final testing of the control stage of the experiment increased significantly compared to the initial testing at the ascertainment stage among the experimental group. The number of children with a low level of physical qualities according to indicators of coordination, speed, speed and strength abilities decreased by 1 child; flexibility – by 2 children and stamina – 0 children. The number of children who passed the final test at the high and medium level at the control stage increased significantly. Conclusions. A comparative analysis of the results, gained at the ascertainment and control stages of the study has shown that the dynamics of indicators of the development of older preschool age children’s physical qualities by means of the sports game football after the implementation of the work system is positive. Research and experimental work have shown that it is possible to trace a significant improvement by comparing the indicators of the initial and final testing: in the final testing at the control stage of the experiment, the results of EG were higher than those of CG in dexterity, speed, speed-power abilities and flexibility. A comparison of the initial and final diagnostics at the ascertainment and control stages of the experiment has shown that the increase in physical qualities, dexterity and coordination abilities occurred due to the effective use of physical exercises, in this case, the sports game of football. Also, the level of older preschool children’s knowledge about the sports game football has significantly increased.
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