Significance determination of the preparedness aspects and indicators of competitive activity as a basis for the development of a comprehensive control system for basketball players.
basketball, control, long-term training, stages, expert assessmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the significance determination of the aspects of
preparedness and indicators of competitive activity in the first and second stages of long-term
training as a basis for the development of a comprehensive control system of basketball players. A
comparative analysis of the significance of indicators at the first and second stages of multi-yeartraining is presented. The purpose of the study is to determine the significance of the aspects of
preparedness and indicators of competitive activity in the first and second stages of multi-year
training based on the expert assessment of coaches as a basis for the development of a
comprehensive control system of basketball players. During the research, the following methods
were used: analysis of special, scientific and methodical literature, analysis of documentary
materials, expert assessment, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. As a result of the
conducted expert survey, the significance of five groups of indicators was determined: aspects of
preparedness, physical qualities, psychological characteristics, morphological and functional
indicators, special abilities of basketball players in the first and second stages of a long-term
training, which are very important for monitoring preparedness and competitive activity in
basketball. And the coaches determined their excellent significance. Thus, tests in the control
system of athletes in basketball should be aimed at determining the level of physical development,
types of preparedness, interpersonal relationships in the team; individual characteristics in
accordance with the playing position, qualifications of athletes, and to meet the requirements
inherent in basketball: reliability, specificity, informativeness, relationship with sensitive periods of
the development of physical qualities, relationship with the stages of long-term training,
relationship with the program material of the curriculum, complexity, the number of performers of
the test or control exercise, periodicity. Conclusions. The results of the expert evaluation were
taken into account during the development of the algorithm for the control of preparedness and
competitive activity and during the formation of the test system at each stage of multi-year
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