Prospects for improving physical education of preschool children by means of sports games




sports games, physical education, preschool age


An important direction of physical education of
preschool children is the use of various forms and means for their harmonious development,
among which an important place is given to play activities. One of the main means of a child's
comprehensive development, the formation of a positive attitude to the surrounding world, an
optimal emotional state is the use of sports games as one of the useful and exciting types of motor
activity. Purpose: to theoretically substantiate the prospects of improving the physical education
of preschool children by means of sports games. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization
of data from scientific and methodical literature, synthesis, comparison, analogy, induction and
deduction. The results. It has been established that sports games in the physical education of
preschoolers are selected taking into account the age, state of health, individual inclination andinterests of the child. They use only some elements of the technique of sports games that are
accessible and useful for preschool children. On the basis of these elements learned by children,
games can be organized, which are conducted according to simplified rules. It has been found that
a mandatory component in educational programs for children with special needs at preschool age
is the mastering of the basic elements of sports games, such as basketball, football, hockey,
badminton, bowling, table tennis, and hoops. In order to solve the problem of popularizing sports
games and finding sports that can be used in the physical education of preschool children, it is
necessary to introduce alternative game sports into the physical education programs of primary
schools, such as water polo, handball, volleyball (toddler ball), floorball, korfball, ringo, tag
rugby, pétanque, baseball, ringball, tennis, darts, frisbee, serso, mini golf, dodgeball.
Conclusions. Based on a thorough analysis of scientific and methodical literature, it was found
that the use of sports games in the physical education of preschool children allows you to satisfy
their interests and needs in motor activity, teach them to control their body, stabilize feelings and
emotions, develop not only physical, but also mental, intellectual and moral-willed qualities. To
increase children's interest in physical education classes, it is advisable to introduce innovative
means of physical education. We have offered non-traditional sports games that do not require
complex inventory or equipment, are relatively easy to master, and at the same time are quite
interesting and accessible for preschool children.

Author Biographies

Viktoriya Pasichnyk, Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського

PhD (physical education and sport), associate professor, doctoral

Valeriia Pasichnyk, Lviv State University of Physical Culture

teacher of the Department of Sports and Recreational Games


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How to Cite

Pasichnyk, V., & Pasichnyk, V. (2023). Prospects for improving physical education of preschool children by means of sports games. Sports Games, (4 (26), 28–39.


