Using the method of circuit training in the gym in the training process of volleyball players of 14-15 years old
volleyball, physical fitness, simulators, circuit trainingAbstract
Purpose: to develop a program of circuit training for young volleyball players in the gym and experimentally
substantiate the methodology of its application in the training process. Participants: Volleyball
players born in 2006 and 2007 took part in the experiment (men) of the Municipal Institution
"Kharkiv Professional College of Sports Profile" of the Kharkiv Regional Council (n=28). The
studies were carried out from August 2021 to February 2022. All participants and their parents
agreed to participate in the experiment. Before and after the experiment, the participants were
tested for physical fitness. Methods. theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources;
methods of mathematical statistics; physical fitness testing (shuttle run 4x9 m, push-up for 30 s,
torso forward tilt from a sitting position, jumping rope for 1 min., throwing a stuffed ball 1 kg,
Romberg test, lifting the body 30 s, length from a place, high jump from a place, trick with a
gymnastic stick). Results: complexes of exercises were developed and introduced into the training
process of volleyball players aged 14-15, which were used by the method of circular training in a
gym. Exercises in the complexes are aimed at the work of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, at the
work of the muscles of the legs with alternating abdominal muscles and back muscles. The sequence
of performing exercises by stations, the dosage of the load in the preparatory and competitive
periods are given. It was revealed that at the end of the study in the experimental group, the
performance of seven tests significantly improved, in the control group of three tests. A significant
increase in the indicators of testing strength and speed-strength qualities (p<0.05; p<0.01) was
established, in the experimental group these indicators are higher compared to the athletes of the
control group at the end of the experiment. Conclusions: positive changes in the indicators of
physical fitness of young volleyball players, both in the control and experimental groups, were
established as a result of the experiment.
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