Analysis of the accuracy of the ball in the basket in the matches of the European Basketball Championship 2022 among men's teams
basketball, throwing the ball into the basket, free throws, European ChampionshipAbstract
work is a study that examines the effectiveness of throwing the ball into the basket in the games of
the European Championship 2022 in basketball among men's teams. The authors did not take into
account the influence of situational variables that affect the dynamics of the game, so only the
analysis of the effectiveness of ball throws in basketball matches was carried out. The purpose of
the study: to analyze the effectiveness of ball throws in the basket in the games of the European
Basketball Championship 2022. Material and methods. The material of the study was the numerical
data of the performance of 24 teams in 79 matches played at the European Basketball
Championship 2022 among men. All statistical calculations were carried out using the Statistica
software package. We analyzed 2-point and 3-point shots from the game and free throws. Results.
The results of the study showed that on average per game the teams made 36.36±0.66 two-point
shots with an accuracy of 20.40±0.49 shots, and the accuracy of three-point shots was 10.38±0.43
hits from 28.93±0.90 attempts. Free throw shooting per game averaged 18.51±0.91 times, free
throw accuracy - 14.00±0.70 times. The average accuracy of hitting the basket of two point shots
was 56.12±0.67%, three point shots - 35.89±0.97%, free throws - 77.88±1.23%. The highest
accuracy of two-point shots was observed in the team of Serbia - 59.3±3.85%, three-point shots - in
the Czech Republic - 44.20±2.79%, free throws - in the team of Finland - 87.92±2.03%. The
greatest contribution to the total score was made by two-point shots - 48.00±1.08%. Three point
shots contributed 35.55±1.09% of the total, free throws - 16.45±1.08%. It should be noted that in
all teams two-point shots were the main contribution to the total score, the smallest contribution -
free throw. Conclusions. It was found that the teams scored an average of 82.07±1.49 points per
game. It was confirmed that the most effective basket attacks from the game are two-point shots,
their accuracy is 53.55±1.10%. The share of two-point shots in the total score of the game is
48.00±1.08%. Basketball players showed the most stable level of accuracy in the performance of
free throws (69.9-87.9%).
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