Peculiarities of the implementation of tactical activities at the final stage of attack by beach handball teams of high qualification




beach handball, tactics, specialist, efficiency, effectiveness


Objectives: to determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of
the implementation of various types of interactions during the completion of offensive actions by
highly qualified teams in beach handball. Materials and methods: Analysis of information sources
in order to form the relevance of the study; pedagogical observation was conducted to determinethe structure of interactions between players of different roles, to determine the quantitative
indicators of performance and implementation of different types of throws by players of different
roles after different types of interactions at the final stage of the attack and their effectiveness was
calculated; methods of mathematical statistics to determine significant differences between the
indicators of interactions, with different ways of completing the attack. At the first stage of the
study, quantitative and qualitative indicators of methods of interaction at the final stage of the
attack of highly qualified teams in beach handball were determined. In the second stage of
observation, the number and quality indicators of completion of offensive actions were determined
using different techniques after the use of tactical interactions «specialist-player» and «player-player» at the final stage of the attack. Differences between the use of tactical interactions and
techniques in each of the sets and the game as a whole were also identified. Results: The study
identified the features of group tactical interactions used by beach handball highly qualified teams
at the final stage of offensive action. As a result of pedagogical observation, we found that in the
final stages of offensive actions there are two types of group interactions, namely «specialist-field
player» and «field player-field player». Within each of these types, three ways to complete offensive
actions have been identified. Among them are throws after pirouettes, throws in flight and direct
throws. Conclusions: The average indicators for the game of performance, effectiveness and
efficiency of tactical interactions «player-player» and «specialist-player» at the final stage of the
attack do not differ significantly (p>0,05). Analysis of averages on game sets of performance,
effectiveness and efficiency of tactical interactions «player-player» and «specialist-player» at the
final stage of the attack showed that only quantitative indicators of performance and effectiveness
of interaction «specialist-player» (p<0,05) are greater than the indicators of «player-player»
interactions. The average indicators for the game of attacks and their effectiveness in the
interaction of «specialist-player» at the final stage of the attack, with the completion of the throw
with a pirouette are significantly higher than similar indicators of throws in flight (p<0,05) and
direct throws (p<0,001). No significant differences were found between the performance indicators
(p>0,05). Analysis of the results with the distribution on the sets showed that in the first set
significantly less direct throws are made (p>0,05), significantly more goals are scored with throws
after pirouettes (p<0,05), and the least effective are throws in flight (p<0,05). In the second set, no
significant differences between the efficiency of different types of throws were found (p>0,05).
Analysis of the values of differences in the completion of attacks when using the interaction of
«player-player» showed no significant differences (p>0,05) in terms of effectiveness between
different ways of completing attacks. Regarding the values of significant differences in the number
of performance and effectiveness, the highly qualified teams perform significantly less (p<0,001)
direct throws and scoreless goals after the application of this technique.

Author Biographies

Valeryi Melnyk , Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of sports and recreational games

Oleksandr Kivernyk , Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education

Nina Kudrina , Ivan Boberskyi Lviv State University of Physical Culture

Senior Lecturer, Department of sports and recreational games


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How to Cite

Melnyk , V., Kivernyk , O., & Kudrina , N. (2023). Peculiarities of the implementation of tactical activities at the final stage of attack by beach handball teams of high qualification. Sports Games, (3(25), 75–85.


