Analysis of coaches' opinions on the problems of pedagogical control in modern basketball




basketball, control, long - term training, stages, questionnairing


The article is
devoted to the analysis of the results of the basketball coaches' questionnairing on the
methodological support of the control system and its practical application in the first and second
stages of long-term training as a basis for developing a comprehensive control system for
basketball players. A comparative analysis of the control system at the first and second stages of
long-term training is presented. The purpose of the study is on by means of questionnairing to
determine the opinion of coaches as to methodological support of the control system and its
practical application in the first and second stages of long-term training as a basis for developing a
comprehensive control system for basketball players. In the course of the study the following
methods were used: analysis of special, scientific and methodological literature, analysis of
documentary materials, questionnairing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. As a result of
the questionnairing it was found that the search for innovative approaches, as well as the use of
foreign and domestic experience in order to improve the control system of basketball players at
different stages of long-term training, which would not only help to correct the training process, but
also regulate physical and mental state of athletes without negative impact on their health in
accordance with the target and objectives of the stages and phases of long-term training and the
specific features of training and competitive activities in team sports are getting more and more
relevant. Conclusions. The state of the problem of organization of control measures and significant
differences in the control focus of children's and youth basketball in comparison with control in
sports of higher achievements are revealed.

Author Biographies

Elena Mitova, Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sports Games

Oksana Ivchenko , Sports and Health Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Candidate of Physical Sciences, Associate Professor of the
Department of Physical Culture, Sports and Health

Viola Onyshchenko , Dnipropetrovsk Professional College of Sports of Dnepropetrovsk Regional Council

Candidate of Physical Sciences, physical education

Antonina Polyakova , Prydniprovska State Academy оf Physical Culture аnd Sports

Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sports

Владислава Ганчева, Institute of Education Content Modernization

Head of the sector of educational work IECM State
Scientific Institution


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How to Cite

Mitova, E., Ivchenko , O., Onyshchenko , V., Polyakova , A., & Ганчева, . В. (2023). Analysis of coaches’ opinions on the problems of pedagogical control in modern basketball. Sports Games, (3(25), 86–96.


