Analysis of ball advancement by highly qualified football players in the conditions of competitive activity




ball advance, passing, ball control, Champions League


Purpose — to establish the indicators of
ball advancement by teams in the group stage games of the UEFA Champions League of the
2021/2022 season. Material and methods: in accordance with the goal and tasks set, the research
program included methods of theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and
methodological literature, registration of technical and tactical actions, methods of mathematical
statistics. The registration of technical and tactical actions was carried out on the example of the
games of the teams participating in the group stage of the UEFA Champions League of the
2021/2022 season. The games in which the winner was determined were analysed. Games that
ended in a draw were not analysed. A total of 78 games were registered and analysed. Results: The
article presents the indicators of attacking technical and tactical actions (passing and ball control)
of highly qualified football players in the conditions of competitive activity. It has been established
that high-level teams in games perform a different number of passes and ball control, while
advancing it to different distances. As a result of the study, it was determined that the teams in the
group stage games of the UEFA Champions League of the 2021/2022 season performed 518,8±11,0
passes and 411,2±10,5 ball control. At the same time, the footage of the total number of passes of
the ball of one team in the match was 7515,0±181,4 m, and the footage of the total number of
dribbles was 1880,0±48,8 m. The footage of the ball passed forward was at the level of 2427,9±41,6
m, and the forward ball control distance was 1025,6±29,7 m. The winning teams significantly
outperformed the losing teams in all parameters of ball advancement (p<0,001). Conclusions: the
data of the conducted research testify to the differences in the indicators of attempts and the footage
of moving the ball by highly qualified football players with the help of passes and ball control in
games with different results.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Perevoznyk, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport)

Andrii Pertsukhov, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport)


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How to Cite

Perevoznyk, V. ., & Pertsukhov, A. (2023). Analysis of ball advancement by highly qualified football players in the conditions of competitive activity. Sports Games, (3(25), 122–129.


