Using the complexes of specially selected exercises in training of 6-7-year-old tennis players
tennis players, complexes, technical preparedness, exercisesAbstract
Purpose: to determine the change in physical and technical fitness
of 6-7-year-old tennis players with the help of complexes of specially selected exercises. Material
and methods: 12 young tennis players from Kharkiv took part in the research. Sports experience of
sportsmen is 1-2 years. Classes were held 8 hours a week. To determine the current level of
physical fitness, test exercises are selected: running in three directions “Fan”; run 18 m (s); long
jump from the place (cm); throwing a tennis ball into the target 3m, 6m, 9m (number of hits);
shuttle run 10 m per 3 times (s); slopes forward standing on the gymnastic ladder (cm). In the
technical training test exercises were as follows: stuffing the ball with a bounce from the racket
down, stuffing the ball with a bounce from the racket up, stuffing the ball with a racket without
bouncing off the floor, game to hold the ball without error, game to hold m ' diagonal ball on the
right without error, game to hold the ball diagonally on the left without error, serving from the
bottom with 10 attempts. The study was conducted in two stages. At the first stage, exercises were
selected for the development of speed, speed, strength, coordination skills, dexterity, which formed
a set of exercises for physical training of young tennis players. In the technical training, specially
selected exercises took into account the parallel improvement of hitting technique and the
development of a sense of ball, rhythm, differentiation of efforts, coordination of movements, spatial
orientation. At the second stage, a formative pedagogical experiment was conducted using the
developed sets of specially selected exercises in the training process and changes in the results of
test exercises were determined. Results: The need to find new, more effective, means and methods
of training in modern tennis is confirmed. Drawing up individual programs and sets of specially
selected exercises will help increase the training of tennis players. The current level of physical
and technical fitness of tennis players is established and complexes of specially selected exercises
are determined. Significant changes in the results of physical fitness were determined, except for
indicators in the forward tilt p>0.05. Reliable results were also obtained in technical training,
except for stuffing the ball with a racket without bouncing off the floor p>0.05. Conclusions: using
the presented complexes of specially selected exercises positively influenced the changes in physical
and technical fitness indicators, which allows recommending 6-7-year-old tennis players in the
training process.
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