The comparative analysis of the effectiveness of attacking actions of teams of the major league female volleyball players in the games of 1- and 2-rounds of the XXVIII Championship of the Republic of Uzbekistan


  • Akhmatjon Akbarov Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Uzbekistan
  • Akram Ummatov Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Uzbekistan
  • Oyatkhon Yokubova Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Uzbekistan



female volleyball players, attacking actions, loss of the ball, efficiency factor


The presence of a problematic situation of competitive activity in modern volleyball shows the need for
knowledge about the degree of development of objective assessment and subjective judgment, as
well as the definition of purposes and tasks of preparing sportsmen for competitive activity. The
purpose of the research is to present the results of the research regarding the effectiveness of
attacking actions of teams of the major league female volleyball players in games of the 1- and 2-
rounds of the XXVIII Championship of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Results. In the course of the
research, higher performance indicators were determined for female volleyball players of the
winning team - the sports club of Uzbek University of Physical Culture and Sports of the Republic
(SCUPh) than for teams that took the 3rd and last 5th places in these tours. Female volleyball
players of the team SCUPh during five matches of the first round performed 573 attacking actions,
of which in 309 cases (in 53,93% of all attempts by team players) the ball remained in the game. In
207 attempts (36,13%; efficiency factor 0,36) turned out to be positive, in 57 attempts (9,95%) the
attackers were negative. The analysis of the results of attacking actions showed that in the second
round the indicator of the effectiveness of attacking actions of volleyball players of the team SCUPh
who took first place is better than the corresponding indicators of other teams. At the same time, there is a slight decline in the effectiveness of attacking actions of female volleyball players of the
team SCUPh in the second round of the championship compared to the results of the first round.
During the five fights of the first round, female volleyball players of the team ANDIZHAN had 397
attacking actions, of which in 201 cases (50,63% of all attempts by team players) the ball remained
in the game, in 104 attempts (26,20%; efficiency factor 0,26) was positive and in 92 attempts
(23,17%) the actions were negative. In the second round, ANDIZHAN team volleyball players
showed a slight increase in the number of points accumulated and a decrease in the number of ball
losses in the game.

Author Biographies

Akhmatjon Akbarov, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Akram Ummatov, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

doctor of philosophy (PhD) on pedagogical sciences
Senior Lecturer

Oyatkhon Yokubova , Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

trainee teacher


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How to Cite

Akbarov, . A., Ummatov, . A. ., & Yokubova , O. (2023). The comparative analysis of the effectiveness of attacking actions of teams of the major league female volleyball players in the games of 1- and 2-rounds of the XXVIII Championship of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Sports Games, (2(24), 4–11.