The article is devoted to the improvement of the methodology of complex control, the system of assessment of the level of special physical and technical readiness of basketball players at the stage of preparation for higher sports achievements




Comprehensive control, integrated assessment, basketball players, special physical and technical training


The article is devoted to the improvement of methods of complex
control, assessment of the level of special physical and technical readiness of basketball players at
the stage of preparation for higher sports achievements. It is determined that the current state of the
complex control system in team games and basketball needs to be improved in accordance with
modern trends in sports and sports games, organization and management of the training process,
based on the achievements of sports science. Also relevant is the issue of comprehensive control of
the preparedness of players in sports games, where the assessment takes place according to
regulations, without a quality rating scale. The purpose of the study is to develop an integrated
assessment on a 5-point sigma scale, determine the criteria for assessing the level of special
physical and technical fitness of basketball players BC SSU, aged 18-21 years, for comprehensive
control in the preparatory period at the stage of higher sporting achievements. Results of the
research. The article highlights the sequence of actions in the development of 5-point score on the
sigma scale, calculated an integrated score for comprehensive control of special physical and
technical fitness, taking into account the specifics of the program material, training stage, qualified
basketball players. BC SSU Conclusions. Practical application of the 5-point rating scale, the
integrated score scale for comprehensive control allows you to qualitatively assess the level of
preparedness of the athlete both when performing a set of control tests and when performing each
individual exercise. Timely diagnosis and control of special physical and technical fitness on a 5-
point rating scale allows you to make timely adjustments to the training program for athletes at
different stages of long-term training. Timely diagnosis and control of special physical and
technical fitness on a 5-point rating scale allows you to make timely adjustments to the training
program for athletes at different stages of long-term training. The organization and management of
the training process for the training of highly qualified basketball players can be successful only by
obtaining a high-quality, objective assessment of their level of training

Author Biographies

Yurii Ostapenko , Sumy State University

Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sports

Nataliia Dolgova , Sumy State University

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport

Roman Stasyuk , Sumy State University

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport


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How to Cite

Ostapenko , Y., Dolgova , N., & Stasyuk , R. (2023). The article is devoted to the improvement of the methodology of complex control, the system of assessment of the level of special physical and technical readiness of basketball players at the stage of preparation for higher sports achievements. Sports Games, (2(24), 20–30.