Assessment of the parameters of physical development of young football players aged 14-15 years




body length, body weight, chest circumference, weight-height index, proportionality index


Purpose — to establish indicators of the
physical development of young football players aged 14-15. Material and methods: according to
the goal and tasks set, the research program included methods of theoretical analysis and
generalization of scientific and methodological literature, methods of studying anthropometric
characteristics, methods of mathematical processing of results. The study was carried out with the
football players of the team of FC «Arena» Kharkiv – participants in the championship of the CYFL
of Ukraine. The study involved 24 football players aged 14-15. The study was conducted in the
Kharkiv regional medical and sports dispensary. The work was carried out in three stages. At the
first stage, the analysis, study and generalization of scientific and methodological literature were
carried out. At the second stage, a survey of 14-15-year-old football players was carried out. At the
third stage of this study, weight-height indices and proportionality indices were calculated. Results:
the article presents the anthropometric indicators of young football players aged 14-15. It has been
established that 14-15-year-old football players have characteristic overall body dimensions (body
length and weight, chest circumference at rest, on inhalation and exhalation), weight-height indices
(Yarcho-Kraupe, Rohrer and Quetelet indices) and proportionality indices (Erisman and Livy
indices), which were within the age norm for the players of this group. The body weight of the
footballers in this group was 55,8±1,8 kg, body length – 169,1±2,0 cm, circumference of the chest
at rest – 80,8±1,2 cm, circumference of the chest on inspiration – 86,5±1,1 cm, circumference of the
chest on expiration is 78,9±1,2 cm. For football players of 14-15 years old, the average index of the
Yarkho-Kraupe index was 329,0±8,4 g/cm, the Rohrer index – 11,5±0,3 c.u, the Quetelet index –
19,4±0,4 c.u, Erisman index – -3,8±1,1 cm, Livy index – 47,8±0,6%. Conclusions: the data of the
conducted study testify to the differences in morphological parameters, weight-height indices and
proportionality indices among young football players aged 14-15.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Perevoznyk, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport)

Andrii Pertsukhov, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (Physical Education and Sport)


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How to Cite

Perevoznyk, V., & Pertsukhov, A. . (2023). Assessment of the parameters of physical development of young football players aged 14-15 years. Sports Games, (2(24), 30–39.