Emotional intelligence as a resource of competitiveness in sports game activitiy





model characteristics, students, indicators, sensorimotor reactions, specific perceptions, tennis, badminton


The article presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of
emotional intelligence as a resource for the competitiveness of athletes in sports gaming activities.
The relevance of the study is determined by the fact that modern elite sport is characterized by high
physical and psychological stress, focus on achieving the highest possible results, and fierce
competition of rivals. Emotional intelligence is considered as a psychological phenomenon, studied
with the help of different ideas, theories, concepts, categories: emotions, feelings and experiences,
emotional state, emotional-volitional regulation, emotional maturity of the individual (F. Vаsilyuk,
V. Vіlyunas, К. Іzard, E. Іl’in, G. Оrme, О. Sannikova, О. Chebykin, P. Екman); emotional
intelligence, emotional and social intelligence, emotional competence (R. Bar-on, D. Goleman, J.
Mayer, P. Salovey); emotional stability, arrogance, regulation, which ensure the competitiveness of
athletes in the process of improvement (R. Agavelyan, G. Gorska, N. Ilyasova, S. Kasyanova, V.
Pirozhkova). The purpose of the article is to analyze modern psychological statements about the
nature of emotional intelligence as a resource of competitiveness in sports game activity. Research
methods: analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization of modern scientific sources and the
results of the empirical studies of the psychological content of the problem under study. The results
of the study showed the importance of the developing the emotional intelligence of athletes to
ensure their competitiveness in competitive activities, however, given the heterogeneity of the
results of theoretical and empirical studies, there is a need for further scientific research on this
problem. The conclusions are that the specificity of sports gaming activity requires the
development of emotional intelligence and all its components to reduce the situational anxiety of
athletes before competitions, as well as increase their competitiveness.

Author Biography

Tetyana Chernyavska , Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Professor, Dr. of Psychology Sciences Professor of the Department
of Differential and Special Psychology


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How to Cite

Chernyavska , T. (2023). Emotional intelligence as a resource of competitiveness in sports game activitiy. Sports Games, (2(24), 82–90. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2022-2.9