The effectiveness of the personal approach to the technical readiness of table tennis athletes
tennis players, training; exercise machine, temperament, motivation, anxiety, technical readinessAbstract
Purpose - to establish the
degree of effectiveness of the personal approach to the technical readiness of table tennis athletes.
Material and methods. Students of a sports college took part in the study, namely eight players of
different playing style, gender and sports category. The study was carried out for two years (2020-
2021) and took place on the basis of the Kherson professional sports college. To assess the
personality traits of tennis players, G. Eysenck's methodology for determining the type of
temperament, T. Ehlers' method “Motivation for success” and Ch.D. Spielberger's "Personal
Anxiety Self-Assessment Scale". The level of technical readiness of tennis players was determined
by special control tests to assess the number of hits. Results: among tennis players, 62.5% of
extroverts were found. One phlegmatic person was identified by the type of temperament, 25% -
melancholic and 62.5% - choleric tennis players. The majority of tennis players (87.5%) showed an
average level of motivation for success. 50% of tennis players had a high level of personal anxiety,
37.5% had an average level, and only one (12.5%) had a low level of this sign. In the mesocycle for
extroverts, a special "Robot" simulator for table tennis was widely used. In the training mesocycle
for introverts, the BCM exercise (work with a large number of balls) was applied. All table tennis
athletes showed an improvement in the results of technical readiness for all tests in relation to the
program norm. The organization and construction of training sessions taking into account the
personal approach to the technical readiness of table tennis athletes led to the fact that the highest
increase in results was shown by tennis players of different types of temperament. Conclusions:
when organizing sports training, a coach should also take into account the personality traits of an
athlete, since a tennis player can have effective technical readiness, but not always be able to
realize it in training and competitive activities. This is evidenced by the statistically significant relationship between technical readiness and personal anxiety (0.920), as well as between the
motivation for success and the temperament (0.752) of table tennis athletes.
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