Anthropometry and morphology of the upper limbs in female athletes in team sports
sportswomen, playing sports, anthropometric measurements, morphofunctional index values, shoulder girdle, upper limbAbstract
The article presents the results and analysis of the study, dedicated to the
determination of the features of a number of morphological and functional index values of the
shoulder girdle and upper extremities in athletes involved in basketball, volleyball and handball. It
has been reliably determined that female basketball players have the highest indices of index
values, in comparison with volleyball and handball players. Purpose of the research: study and
presentation of the results obtained as a result of the study, their analysis, directly related to the
study of the morphological and functional and anatomical features of the upper limb girdle in
athletes involved in basketball, volleyball and handball. Material and research methods: When
carrying out this research work, we used the methods of anthropometry and indices, using 6
morphofunctional index values, necessary for this study; the method of in-depth literary-critical
analysis of available scientific sources of information on the issue under study, the method of
mathematical statistics, when working, with the obtained data of anthropometric indicators and
morphofunctional index values. Results of the research: The obtained data and their analysis
indicate that in all three groups of athletes, there are adaptive somatic changes, confirmed,
objectively, by the revealed anthropometric indicators and the results of morphological and
functional index values. Conclusions: The results of the study showed that basketball players are
strikingly different in anthropometric parameters (primarily large arm span) and in indicators of a
number of morphological and functional index values (Solovyov index, upper limb index, shoulder
width index and brachial index, sexual dimorphism index), depending on their playing role. The
most important are female basketball players who perform the function of centers, followed by
attackers and defenders. The revealed anatomical and morphofunctional features in the athletes of
the studied groups, in our opinion, can be caused both by the selection of female athletes by the
coaching team carried out earlier, and by the result of adaptive processes caused by long-term
(long-term) and intense physical loads during the training-competitive period
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