Indicators of technical preparedness of soccer players at the stage of initial training




football players, readiness, testing, training, boys


Purpose: to study the dynamics and
effectiveness of the technical readiness of young football players. Material and methods. The research was conducted among 60 young football players in three stages, from September 2020 to
May 2021, in the town. Shatsk, Volyn region. In the course of the study, we examined four age
groups of football players, boys aged 7-10 years. All participants received informed consent to
participate in the study. To solve the tasks in our research, the following methods were used: study
and analysis of literary sources; pedagogical testing; mathematical processing of results Results.
In order to determine the level of technical training of young football players, we conducted a
pedagogical test, the results of which will determine its level. With age, the indicators of the studied
qualities increase, but this process occurs differently at each age. So the rate of ball impact on
accuracy increases in the period from 7 to 10 years by 0.5 times. At the same time, the maximum
growth of the indicator occurs in the period from 8 to 9 years, the indicator increases by 0.3 times,
in the periods from 7 to 8 and from 9 to 10 years the growth is 0.1 times. Dribbling and shooting on
goal increase uniformly by 0.4 seconds at each age. The total growth of the indicator is 1.2
seconds. Ball juggling performance is also growing, but this process is uneven. Thus, the maximum
growth of the indicator was noted in the period from 8 to 9 years - 2 times. In periods from 7 to 8
and from 9 to 10 years, growth is equal to one. The total growth of the indicator is four units. The
analysis of the results according to the requirements of the program for youth sports shows that the
impact indicators for accuracy and ball dribbling are at a low level. Ball juggling performance is at
a sufficient level. In order to study the effectiveness of the technical training of young football
players in the annual training cycle, we conducted a similar test at the second stage (December)
and at the 3rd stage (April). Conclusions. Analysis of the test results shows that the indicators of
the studied qualities that characterize the level of technical preparedness of soccer players grow
during the year, but this process occurs differently. Thus, the index of hitting the ball on accuracy in
the period from 7 to 10 years grows only 0.5 times. The rate of ball-handling with standing and
kicking increases by only 1.2 seconds. The juggling score grows by four units on an age-specific
basis. In the annual cycle of training, the studied indicators also undergo progressive changes -
they increase during the year, but this process occurs rather unevenly. The rate of increase in
hitting the ball on accuracy is uneven and wavy, the qualitative indicator is in the range - 4.9% -
10.5%. The rate of growth of ball handling is in the range of 2.2-5.5% and is also uneven and
undulating. Sufficiently high rates of growth of ball juggling - 62.5% - 44.4%, the nature of the
change is uneven and undulating. 

Author Biographies

Alexander Radchenko, Volyn National University named after Lesya Ukrainka

Phd (Physical Education and Sport), Associate Professor

Anatoly Chyzh , Lutsk Pedagogical College

Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education

Volodymyr Konstankevych , Lutsk Pedagogical College

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Culture


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How to Cite

Radchenko, A. ., Chyzh , A., & Konstankevych , V. (2023). Indicators of technical preparedness of soccer players at the stage of initial training. Sports Games, (1(23), 43–55.