Outdoor games on the water as a means of developing the physical qualities of primary schoolchildren





swimmers, outdoor games, physical qualities, development


The aim of the research was to study the influence of
outdoor games on the development of physical qualities of 7-8 year old swimmers. Material and
methods: The study involved 30 children 7-8 years old. The subjects were divided into two groups:
15 swimmers with the same level of fitness (the first group (1G) and the second (2G)). Data
collection has been carried out in the groups of children attending swimming classes at the
«Pioneer» pool in Kharkov, from two different coaches, who included sports and outdoor games
and relay races in their training program. The research was carried out in three stages. The level of
development of physical qualities of children 7-8 years old before and after the end of the
experiment was determined; a comparative analysis of the data obtained was carried out. To solve
the set research tasks, the following were applied: theoretical analysis and generalization of data
from literary sources; pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; test method (control
tests); methods of mathematical statistics. Results: the study revealed that swimmers of both groups
significantly improved test results due to the use of a set of outdoor games. The results for all tests
were at a significance level of p<0.05, however, the level of physical fitness in most children
remained at an average level. Conclusions: it was found that outdoor games are an integral part of
the training of swimmers. The proposed methodology for the use of outdoor games in training
sessions with young swimmers made it possible to significantly increase the level of physical
qualities of 7-8 year old swimmers.

Author Biography

Liliia Sheiko, Kharkov State Academy of Physical

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Water Sports


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How to Cite

Sheiko, L. . (2023). Outdoor games on the water as a means of developing the physical qualities of primary schoolchildren. Sports Games, (1(23), 68–75. https://doi.org/10.15391/si.2022-1.07