Model indicators of the body composition of skilled female volleyball players




model, skilled female volleyball players, fat component, muscle component, water content, bone mass, body mass index, body length, body weight


The purpose of the study was to determine the model indicators
of the body composition of skilled female volleyball players, which make up the morphofunctional
profile of the players. Material and research methods. The study involved 47 female volleyball
players of higher education institutions of Vinnytsia region with qualification of the first category,
whose average age was 20.11±0.18 years. Research methods: analysis of scientific-methodical and
special literature, pedagogical observation, anthropometric measurement, morphofunctional
diagnostics, statistical analysis. Results. Morphofunctional diagnostics involved using the body
composition monitor Tanita BC-601, which works on the principle of bioelectric impedance, to
determine the indicators of the body composition of skilled female volleyball players. In the studied
sportswomen body length was 1.7±0.01 m, body weight - 62.82±0.65 kg, body mass index -
21.33±0.22 kg/m2
, total fat content - 20.69±0.31 %, fat content in the right leg - 26.48±0.33 %, in
the left leg - 25.64±0.35 %, in the right arm - 17.35±0.25 %, in the left arm - 18.28±0.29 %, in the
trunk - 18.47±0.30 %, the total content of the muscle component - 47.45±0.56 kg, the content of
muscles in the right leg - 8.13±0.10 kg, in the left leg - 8.21±0.10 kg, in the right arm -
2.55±0.04 kg, in the left arm - 2.48±0.04 kg, in the trunk - 26.07±0.34 kg, mass of inorganic bone
substances - 2.54±0.03 kg, total water content - 58.78±0.44 %. Conclusions. According to the
results of measurements, 18 indicators were determined that characterize the age, physical
development and body composition of skilled female volleyball players. The analysis of the obtained
data showed a slight asymmetry in the distribution of fat and muscle components in the arms and
legs of the studied sportswomen, associated with the nature of the game in volleyball.

Author Biographies

Natalia Shchepotina , Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

candidate of sciences in physical education and sports, Associate
Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Sport

Stepan Hudyma , Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate
Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Sport


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How to Cite

Shchepotina , N., & Hudyma , S. (2023). Model indicators of the body composition of skilled female volleyball players. Sports Games, (1(23), 84–93.