Use of information technology in the field of sports games during training




information technology, sports games, training, athletes


The use of the potential of computer technology training in sports games and
physical education, as a factor in the formation of a healthy way of training athletes, is an urgent
problem in modern sports science. Modern information and communication technologies allow to
organize independent educational activities using didactic methods. The purpose of this work is to
study the use of information technologies in the field of physical culture and sports, especially in the
field of sports games. The main objective of the study is analyze the possibilities of development
and application of computer training technologies in sports games; to substantiate the effectiveness
of the use of computer training systems in the formation of a healthy way of training athletes in
sports games. Results. Currently in sports training there is a small sample of computer training
programs aimed at technical and tactical training in various sports, but the factor of health
orientation in them is not due, which led to further research. As part of the study, computer training
programs were developed and experimentally implemented in the training process of athletes in
sports games: "Video-information program for training team technical and tactical actions in
basketball" and "Technique of table tennis". These programs were developed using the application
packages Turbo Pascal, Delphi 6, Adobe Primer, PhotoShop, Power Point, Pinnacle 11.
Conclusions. Theoretical analysis of literature sources and existing developments showed that
currently in sports training there is a small sample of computer training technologies aimed at
technical and tactical training in various sports and the formation of a healthy way of training in
athletes in sports games, which led to further research. As part of the study, computer training
programs in basketball and table tennis were developed and experimentally implemented in the
training process of athletes in sports games using Turbo Pascal, Delphi 6, Adobe Primer,
PhotoShop, Power Point, Pinnacle 11 application packages. in the educational and training
process of the proposed developments indicates the effectiveness of the use of computer training
technologies in the formation of a healthy way of training athletes in sports games.

Author Biographies

Nasiba Turaeva , Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

senior lecturer

Sayyora Ibragimova , Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

senior lecturer

Irina Olkhovskaya, Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

senior lecturer

Ludmila Filenko, Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

PhD (physical education and sport), Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Turaeva , N., Ibragimova , S., Olkhovskaya, . I., & Filenko, L. . (2023). Use of information technology in the field of sports games during training. Sports Games, (1(23), 106–114.