The influence of the experimental program on the level of physical fitness of young football players aged 16–17
football, young men, speed, speed and power qualities, enduranceAbstract
The purpose of the study: to investigate changes in the level of physical fitness of young football players aged 16–17 under the influence of classes in an experimental program. Research material and methods. The study was conducted during 2021-2022 and included several stages. The football players of the reserve team "Mayak" from the city of Ivanychy, Volyn region (24 athletes) who were divided into two groups: an experimental group and a control group (12 people each). The age of football players is 16–17 years. The following methods were used to solve the tasks: theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical, and teaching-methodical literature; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical and statistical data processing. The results. After analyzing the dynamics of the 30 m run, it was established that the football players of the experimental group covered this distance in 4.37 ± 0.05 seconds before the pedagogical experiment. After the pedagogical experiment, football players improved the result of running this distance by 0.05 seconds. Football players of the control group did not change the result, showing the result of 4.38 s, as before the experiment. In Soncha's test, football players of the experimental group performed 40.00±2.00 jumps at the beginning of the experiment, after the experiment this indicator increased by 5 times and amounted to 45.00±3.00 jumps. Football players of the control group did not get an increase in indicators, it remained the same as before the experiment, 42.0±2.0 jumps. Changes in triple jump indicators after the pedagogical experiment in the experimental group occurred by 0.04 m, in the control group by 0.17 m. After the pedagogical experiment in the experimental group, a slight, 0.3 m, increase in the indicator in the five-point jump was obtained jump (before the experiment – 12.70±2.0 m; after the experiment – 13.00±1.7 m). Football players of the control group at the end of the pedagogical experiment improved the result of the five-point jump by 0.37 m (13.00±1.7 cm - after the experiment, 12.63±2.0 cm - before the experiment). football players of the control group covered a distance of 22 m longer than before the experiment in 12 minutes and showed a result of 2579.0±118.0 m. The representatives of the experimental group improved the result by 103 m. When performing the shuttle run 7X50 m after the pedagogical experiment, an improvement in the result was noted 2 s in football players of the experimental group and 0.9 s in the control group. Conclusion. Football players aged 16-17 had the following level of physical fitness: "average" in the 30 m run, "insufficient" in the Soncha test, "satisfactory" in the triple jump from a standing position, "satisfactory" in the quintuple jump, "average" in the Cooper test ", in the shuttle race 7X50 m "satisfactory". The implementation of the experimental program made it possible to improve the level of preparedness of the football players of the experimental group in: the Soncha test to the "good" level, the five-point jump - to the "good" level, the Cooper test to the "above average" level, in the shuttle run 7х50 m to the "good" level ". A slight improvement in the performance of the 30m run, Sunch test, triple and five jump, K. Cooper's 12-minute test, 7x50m shuttle run of 16-17-year-old football boys of the experimental group under the influence of the experimental program was established (p>0.5), which may be related to the insufficient duration of the pedagogical experiment.
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