Indicators of jumping height of basketball players aged 10-14 years
basketball players, young athletes, jump heightAbstract
The relevance of our research is caused by the need to define indicators of basketball players' jumping height at the stage of the previous basic preparation which allows to reveal and analyse shortcomings in the system of physical training of young basketball players. The study of the material of the CYSS programme on the indicators of physical fitness of basketball players at the stage of preliminary basic training allowed to establish that the current state of the system of physical training of young basketball players needs to be improved in accordance with modern requirements of the game development. The analysis of scientific and methodical literature shows that rational organisation of control over the level of physical fitness of young basketball players makes it possible to control their morphological and functional state and plan the training process. The system of sports training should fully reflect and take into account the actions that an athlete effectively performs during the game: speed and timeliness of the jump, accuracy of the place of pushing off, vertical direction of flight from a place and from a run, performance of the jump with minimal participation of hands at the moment of pushing off, serial performance of the jump in conditions of power struggle, control of the body in the air in contact with an opponent, accuracy of landing and readiness for further actions. In basketball, as a rule, the manifestation of speed and power abilities is carried out in jumps. A jump belongs to the group of high-speed and power exercises with an acyclic structure of movements, in which the main link of the impulse develops a muscular effort of maximum power, having a jet-explosive character. Such a manifestation of high-speed and power abilities of basketball players is called jumping. A very important factor in the development of jumping is the degree of manifestation of physical and coordination qualities. Thus, jumping is one of the most important physical qualities of basketball players and characterises the player's ability to jump as high as possible in different game situations (jump shots, picking up the ball at the backboard, disputed shots, covering the opponent's shots, etc.). The purpose of the research is to determine the level of height of jumping of basketball players aged 10-14 years old at the stage of preliminary basic training. Materials and methods. The research involved 403 basketball players at the stage of preliminary basic training, aged 10-14 years old. Of them: 80 persons aged 10 years old, 85 persons aged 11 years old, 75 persons aged 12 years old, 85 persons aged 13 years old, 78 persons aged 14 years old. Methods of the research: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical literature; testing of jumping height by the method of V. Koryahina, 1998; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The results of researches showed that the level of development of height of jumping at basketball players aged 10-14 years old has a heterogeneous character and in general is at a level which is lower than it is recommended by the curriculum for CYSS. This also applies to growth indicators. Therefore, basketball players aged 10-14 years have significant reserves of preparedness, which requires the search for effective means and methods of training. Conclusions. The researches showed that indicators which characterise the height of a jump of basketball players aged 10-14 years old are uneven and have a lower level than it is recommended by the curriculum for CYSS. The indicator of absolute height of jumping of basketball players of 10-14 years old increased from 203,0±2,30 to 273,5±3,10 cm, having a significantly significant increase every year (р<0,05). The indicator of relative height of jumping of basketball players of 10-14 years old increased from 29,00±2,60 to 43,70±2,31 cm, having not significant increase of an indicator every year (р<0,05).
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