The influence of the author's program on increasing the effectiveness of the game actions of qualified football players, taking into account the coordination complexity of technical and tactical actions in certain zones of the playing field.




qualified football players, technical and tactical actions, competitive activity, playing field zones


A characteristic feature of the development of modern football is the high coordination complexity, speed and intensity of technical techniques performed in any part of the playing field by football players of various playing roles. The leading components in the process of competitive activity of qualified football players are quantitative and qualitative indicators of performance of technical and tactical actions have been confirmed. The purpose of the research is to reveal the effectiveness of the experimental program of technical and tactical training of qualified football players in accordance with the zones of the playing field. Research material and methods. Theoretical analysis of scientific, methodical and special literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the research. The improvement of the performance of technical and tactical actions by the players should be carried out taking into account, on the one hand, the playing zones of the football field, and on the other - the mode of coordination complexity of their implementation. That is, during the game, football players perform various technical techniques - passes, dribbles, passing, tackles, interceptions, shots at the goal. But in one or another zone of the playing field, some technical techniques are performed to a greater extent, in another - to a lesser extent. This also applies to players of various roles. During the competitive activity of more qualified teams, the performance of technical and tactical actions is fairly evenly distributed in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd game zones was established. It is worth noting that the optimization of the technical and tactical training of qualified football players was carried out through the redistribution of technical and tactical actions between different game zones, first of all, this is an increase in the execution of technical and tactical actions in the flank zones, as well as an increase in their execution in the 2nd and 3rd modes of coordination complexitiesю. Conclusions. The author’s program of technical and tactical training of qualified football players, developed taking into account the playing areas of the field and the mode of coordination complexity of performing technical and tactical actions, is effective and can be used in the training process of football teams of various qualifications has been experimentally proven. The redistribution of the performance of technical and tactical actions from the playing zones of one’s own half of the field to the playing zones of the opponen’'s half of the field, on the one hand, affects the improvement of the performance of technical and tactical actions in all zones, on the other hand, it affects the change of the team’s tactical game model, which from a predominantly defensive began to have a more attacking character, which generally corresponds to modern trends in the development of football.

Author Biographies

Ihor Karpa, Львівський державний університет фізичної культури імені Івана Боберського,Lviv State University of Physical Culture

PhD  (physical  education  and  sport)

Andrii Fediuk , Ivan Boberskiy Lviv State University of Physical Culture

teacher of the Department of Football

Ivan Shanta , Uzhgorod National University

teacher of the Departmen of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Karpa, I. ., Fediuk , A., & Shanta , I. (2023). The influence of the author’s program on increasing the effectiveness of the game actions of qualified football players, taking into account the coordination complexity of technical and tactical actions in certain zones of the playing field. Sports Games, (3(29), 24–35.


