Forming older preschool age children’s interest in physical education classes by means of sports games
sports games, children of older preschool age, interest in physical education classes, work systemAbstract
The purpose of the work is to substantiate theoretically the system of work on the forming of older preschool children’s interest in physical education classes by means of sports games. Materials and methods. 32 children of older preschool age and their parents participated in the research. At the ascertaining stage, two groups of the older preschool age children were formed – the control group (CG) of 15 children and the experimental group (EG) of 17 children. All the children who participated in the study were educated according to the educational program “Dytyna” (“Child”), but in EG a work system was implemented to form older preschool children’s interest in physical education by means of sports games. During the research, criteria, indicators and levels of formation of older preschool children’s interest in physical culture were developed. Research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical research methods (pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment), sociological research methods (individual conversations with children, surveys), creation of problematic pedagogical situations and their analysis (author E. G. Yedeleva in modification), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. At the ascertainment stage, the general levels of formation of interest in physical education classes among older preschool children were revealed: 3 children (20%) in CG and 4 children (23%) in EG had got a high level; 5 children (33%) in CG and 6 children (35%) in EG had got an average level; 7 children (47%) in CG and 7 children (42%) in EG had got a low level. A high level of interest in physical education was demonstrated by 3 children (20%) in the CG and 4 children (23%) in the EG; an average level - by 5 children (33%) in the CG and 6 children (35%) in the EG; a low level - by 7 children (47%) in the CG and 7 children (42%) in the EG. According to the obtained indicators, we concluded that both CG and EG have the same level of formation of interest. It was implemented in three stages (theoretical, active and reflective) and covered three directions - work with children, educators and children’s parents. At the control stage, assessing the dynamics of changes in the level of interest in physical education classes in CG and EG, we obtained results indicating a positive dynamics of interest formation among EG children. Conclusions. The implementation of work system was successful, that is confirmed by the results of the research. The effectiveness of the work carried out with teachers and parents to increase the interest of older preschool children in physical education classes by means of sports games was noted. The implementation of the experimental programme increased by 18% the number of EG children with a high level and by 6% with an average level of interest in physical education.
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