The physical condition of students of higher education institutions and the possibility of its correction by means of football
physical fitness, functional preparedness, football, students, physical educationAbstract
The purpose of the study was to develop a program for correcting the physical condition of students of a higher education institution in the process of physical education using football means and experimentally substantiate its effectiveness. Material and methods. 35 students of the 1st-2nd years of the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University participated in the experiment, who were assigned to the main medical group based on their health status. Functional diagnostics included carrying out tests of Stange and Genchi (holding breath during inhalation and exhalation, respectively), as well as determination of heart rate at rest. Pedagogical testing was conducted in order to determine the indicators of the physical fitness of the studied students - the level of dexterity (according to the result of the shuttle run 3x10 m) and speed and strength abilities (according to the result of the standing long jump). Results. Correction of the physical condition of students was carried out by implementing the developed training program during the first half of the year within 25% of the training hours of physical education under the "Football" section. Features of the developed program were special training means, optimal load components, use of mobile games and relays, interactive methods. The indicators of the Shtange and Genchi samples increased statistically significantly by 4.3 and 5.4 % from 67.15±1.05 to 70.02±0.77 s (t=2.28; p<0.05) and from 35.42±0.65 to 37.34±0.49 s (t=2.43; p<0.05), respectively. The result of the 3x10 m shuttle run improved statistically significantly by 2.5 % from 7.52±0.06 to 7.33±0.04 s (t=2.82; p<0.05), and the standing long jump - by 1.5 % from 253.12±1.39 to 256.89±1.25 cm (t=2.07; p<0.05). Conclusions. The implementation of the developed program contributed to a statistically significant improvement of most indicators of physical and functional preparedness of students in the range from 1.5 to 5.4 %, which confirms the effectiveness of physical condition correction by means of football.
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