Determination of the physical fitness level of the student teams football players
football players, speed-strength abilities, speed abilities, speed enduranceAbstract
The purpose of the work was to determine the physical fitness indicators of the student team football players and to develop a 5-level scale for their assessment. Material and methods. 17 football players of the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University men's student team, whose age ranged from 18 to 22 years, took part in the study. Research methods: analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological and special literature, pedagogical testing, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Model indicators of physical fitness of the student team football players in the competitive period were determined: 30 m run – 4.20±0.02 s, standing long jump – 2.59±0.01 m, shuttle run 7x50 m – 62.35±0.31 s, dribbling the ball 30 m in a straight line – 4.76±0.04 s, hitting the ball at a distance – 82.35±0.30 m. Development of a 5-level scale for assessing indicators of physical fitness of the student team football players was carried out on the basis of the received data: the low level corresponded to the range of sample values from M-2S to M-3S and below, below the average level – the range from M-S to M-2S, the average level – the range from M-S to M+S, above medium level – from M+S to M+2S, high level – from M+2S to M+3S and higher. Conclusions. The indicators of physical fitness of football players were determined, which characterized the level of speed, speed-strength abilities, speed endurance, special speed in relation to coordination, special speed-strength abilities. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, a 5-level scale for assessing the physical fitness of the student team football players was developed, which was one of the steps in the implementation of the control mechanism, and the obtained results can act as a reference point and be used in future research and practical training of student football teams.
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