Models of physical and technical preparation of rugby players 18-19 years old
Rugby League, training process, management, physical preparedness, technical preparednessAbstract
Purpose: to develop models of physical and technical preparedness of rugby players aged 18-19, taking into account the playing role. Material and methods: in the research in order to determine the model levels of preparedness, the indicators of ten players (5 attackers and 5 defenders) of the reserve and candidates for the national team of Ukraine were selected. The formation of the team took place on the basis of the model characteristics of physical and technical preparedness of ten highly qualified rugby players (5 attackers and 5 defenders), who are part of the national team of Ukraine. Results: the models of physical and technical preparedness the basis of which are specially selected tests are presented in the article. They make it possible to determine the development level of the most important motor skills of rugby players and to determine the degree of compliance with the model level. Conclusions: When comparing fitness indicators, it was established that the level of general physical fitness of 18-19-year-old rugby players was 90% of the indicators of qualified rugby players. Too low indicators that were compared to the model ones were: bending/extending the arms in a prone position for the defenders and the attackers - 85%, pull-ups from above for defenders - 78% and for the attackers - 75%, bench press for the attackers - 83%, lifting the barbell to the chest for the attackers - 80%, the shoulder back squats for the defenders - 88% and for the attackers - 87%. The level of special physical fitness is approximately 95% of the indicators of qualified rugby players. The level of technical preparedness is on average 89%, but some indicators are significantly lower: Transfer the ball in pairs for the attackers - 87%, captures within 30 s for the defenders and the attackers - 83%, Strike the ball "high ball" for the defenders - 88% and the attackers - 86%, defenders' "drop-kick" for the defenders - 84%, Strike on goal for defenders and attackers - 84%.
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