Research of heart rate variability among students-athletes (boys and girls), specializing in football




cardiointervalography, heart rate variability, student athletes


According to many authors, HRV is an
integral indicator of the functional state of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole.
Modern trends in the development of football associated with the intensification of the game, a
tough athletic struggle throughout the field, an increase in the level of performance and
universalization of players, an increase in resistance to fatigue and a decrease in its influence on
the effectiveness of the performance of technical and tactical techniques. Purpose – to determine
the typical values of the indicators of the variable heart rate (HRV) of sportsmen-students
specializing in football and their characteristics depending on gender and age. The following
indicators of cardiointervalography were used: Mo (mode – the value of the RR-interval, most often
found) , AMo (mode amplitude – the percentage of RR intervals, which corresponds to the mode
value) VR (variation range – the difference between the duration of the largest and the smallest RR-interval) and indices calculated on their basis, proposed by R.M. Baevsky, who have found wide
application to assess the processes of regulation and measures of adaptation of the cardiovascular
system to aggressive factors: IIR – the index of vegetative balance; PAPR is an indicator of the
adequacy of regulation processes; VPR - vegetative rhythm indicator; IN is an index of the tension
of regulatory systems. The analysis of the indicators of the variable heart rate (HRV) of 5-minute
fragments of the ECG of students-athletes with a football specialization, who were examined using
the "Cardio +" software and hardware complex in 2020-2021, was carried out. in NTU
"Dneprovskaya Polytechnic".The study included data from 28 athletes and 18 athletes aged 17 to
24 years. The studied were divided into subgroups by age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old).
When analyzing the indicators in the subgroups of male athletes, it was revealed that the HRV
analysis data changed with a tendency to decrease. When assessing the indicators of
cardiointervalography with increasing age, there was a tendency to a more pronounced increase in
the tension of the regulatory systems. Thus, the results obtained indicate that among older athletes,
there was a gradual decrease in autonomic influences on the heart rate, a decrease in the activity of
the parasympathetic link of the autonomic nervous system, an increase in the tension of regulatory
systems. In the 20-24-year-old subgroup, the values of most HRV indicators were higher than
among the 17-20 year old athletes. Thus, in contrast to the group of male athletes, with increasing
age among female athletes, the vegetative influences on the heart rate, the activity of the
parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system and the degree of tension of the
regulatory systems remained practically at the same level. The heart rate indicators of boys in all
subgroups were lower than those of girls.
HRV indicators and the activity of the parasympathetic link in women were higher than in
men, and the measure of the tension of the regulatory systems, which was assessed by
cardiointervalography indicators, was similar or less.Statistically significant (p<0.05-0.01)
differences between the age subgroup of boys and girls (17-20 years old) were observed in terms of

Author Biographies

Dmitry Batechko , Dneprovska Polytechnic

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and

Olga Martynyuk , Dneprovska Polytechnic

Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education
and Sports


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How to Cite

Batechko , D., & Martynyuk , O. (2023). Research of heart rate variability among students-athletes (boys and girls), specializing in football. Sports Games, (4(22), 4–14.


