The Use of Acrobatic Exercises in the Educational and Training Process of Young Female Volleyball Players 12-14 Years Old.




acrobatic exercises, young volleyball players, testing, training process


In modern volleyball, various methods and means of special physical
training of volleyball players are used. Most of them are aimed at increasing the efficiency of
speed-strength or motor-coordination training. At the same time, the most common means of
developing coordination are exercises with elements of acrobatics. The use of acrobatic exercises,
similar in their biomechanical characteristics to technical actions in volleyball, makes it possible to
reduce the time for training technical actions and create preconditions for further improving sports
skills. The presented research aims to increase the effectiveness of the educational and training
process of young female volleyball players using special acrobatic exercises. Research results:
comparison of the dynamics of technical readiness indicators after the training period (8 months)
showed that a statistically significant improvement in the test results occurred in the EG compared
with CG according to the following indicators: “The Two-Handed Overhead Pass (Above)”
(p=0.042), “The Two-Handed Overhead Pass from below (from below)” (p=0.072), “Serve”
(p=0.021), “Attack Hit from zone 2/4” (respectively, p=0.059, p=0.032), “The Two-Handed Pass
(Above) on accuracy” (p=0.031), “The Two-Handed Pass (from below) on accuracy” (p=0.076),
“The Two-Handed Overhead Pass (Above) to the target during 30 seconds” (p=0.033), “Upper
Straight Serve on accuracy to zone 1, 6” (p=0.029, p=0.044), “Total Amount of Performed Passes
to Zones 1, 6, 5” (p=0.043). Conclusions. Significant improvement of indicators (p<0.05; p<0.01)
in the accuracy of two-handed ball passes (forehand and overhead), an increase of the accuracy of
hitting movements when performing attacking hits, receiving the ball from a serve in the
experimental group is related to, first of all, the inclusion of specially developed complexes of
acrobatic exercises in the educational and training process.

Author Biographies

Ihor Hrynchenko, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (Ph.D. in Pedagogy), Associate

Siryi Oleksandr, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer

Asia Tihonova, H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

Senior Lecturer

Andrii Tykhonov, State Biotechnological University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Hrynchenko, I. ., Oleksandr, S. ., Tihonova, A., & Tykhonov, A. . (2023). The Use of Acrobatic Exercises in the Educational and Training Process of Young Female Volleyball Players 12-14 Years Old. Sports Games, (4(22), 33–44.


