The effectiveness of technical and tactical actions in the process of competitive activities of highly qualified middle blockers in women's volleyball
highly qualified volleyball players, Ukrainian Super League, game role, middle blocker, serve, reception, spike, blocking, efficiencyAbstract
The purpose of the study is to establish the
features of the structure and dynamics of the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions by
highly qualified middle blockers of the Women's Super League of Ukraine in the process of
competitive activity. Material and research methods. The study included pedagogical observation
of the competitive activities of 10 highly qualified volleyball players, who performed the function of
a middle blocker on the court, had the qualification of a candidate for master of sports and master
of sports of Ukraine. Research methods: analysis of literary and Internet sources, pedagogical
observation in combination with video recording of official games, methods of mathematical
statistics. Results. In the structure of competitive activity of the middle blocker women's
Superleague, the largest share was blocking - 54.2±1.6 %, the share of spikes was 21.5±1.0 %, of
serves - 14.3±1.0 %. The registration of technical and tactical actions of the middle blockers was
carried out taking into account the quality of their performance (effectively - scored a point or
subsequent effective action of the team, ineffectively - lost point or disruption of the team, positively
- the ball remained in play). The most effective middle blockers performed spikes (56.3±4.4 %) and
blocking (36.2±1.9 %). The highest percentage of "ineffective" actions was found when receiving
the ball (47.2±5.6 %). Conclusions. During the match on all components of the game, except for
blocking, there was the same trend - a decrease in the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions
from the first to the third game and increase performance in the fourth game. In the efficiency of
blocking by the middle blockers there was a wavy dynamics with "peaks" in the second and fourth
games of the match.
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