Management’s development of athletes with disabilities in sedentary volleyball sport branch




Management, Athletes Disabilities, Sedentary Volleyball


Abstract. This work aims to determine the management of athletes with disabilities in
sedentary volleyball. The research method used is an interpretive study research on the Coaching
Activities of Athletes with Disabilities in the Indonesian National Pelatnas Volleyball Sports Branch
in Surakarta. The population of this study were athletes, coaches and administrators of the
Indonesian NPC. The data collection techniques used by the researcher are active observation,
interviews, and documentation analysis. In this study, researchers used two triangulation
techniques, namely data triangulation and method triangulation. The data validity technique used
triangulation technique. Data analysis was carried out in four stages, namely: the data collection
stage, the data reduction stage, the data presentation stage, and the conclusion drawing stage. The
results showed that the athletes in the sedentary volleyball sport were quite good. Communication
between athletes, administrators and coaches is very good because they always approach each
other emotionally. Coaches in coaching athletes with disabilities in the Indonesian sedentary
volleyball sport must have a minimum national license. The condition of good facilities and
infrastructure will provide convenience in the process of coaching athletes with disabilities in
sedentary volleyball. The funding system for the coaching of athletes with disabilities in sedentary
volleyball goes from the Ministry of Youth and Sports as a whole with the financial system set for
coaching athletes with disabilities in sedentary volleyball from the APBN budget. The
implementation of the training method for coaching athletes with disabilities in the sedentary
volleyball sport is well programmed. This can be seen from the preparation of a written training
program, the training schedule is in accordance with the national level training schedule, the
division of short-term periodization, medium-term periodization, and long-term periodization.

Author Biographies

Taufik Ismail, Sebelas Maret University

Postgraduate in Sports Science

Sugiyanto, Sebelas Maret University

Postgraduate in Sports Science

Sapta Kunta, Sebelas Maret University

Postgraduate in Sports Science


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How to Cite

Ismail, T. ., Sugiyanto, & Kunta, S. (2023). Management’s development of athletes with disabilities in sedentary volleyball sport branch. Sports Games, (4(22), 129–141.


