The use of reverse running and walking in the training process of futsal players




reverse run, training process, students, team, Cooper's test


Regular use of
walking and running in the training process of students of game sports act not only as a prevention
of diseases caused by sedentary lifestyle, thereby improving lung function, training the heart
muscle, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, increasing strength, endurance and increasing
resistance to stress. When walking and running, motor skills and abilities are developed and
improved not only among highly qualified athletes, but also among those who are engaged in a
particular sport at an amateur level or to maintain an appropriate level of their health and physical
fitness. Walking and running backwards is used when it is necessary to minimize the load on the
knee joint and strengthen specific muscle groups of the lower limb. The purpose of the research is
to establish experimentally the positive effect of the use of reverse running and walking in the
training process of foreign students of National University of Pharmacy (NUPh), who are part of
the national futsal team. Material and research methods: a set of complementary methods was
used: analysis of literary sources and Internet resources; analysis of advanced foreign and
domestic experience, system analysis method, comparison and comparison method; Cooper's test
was carried out to determine the level of physical fitness of students and to assess the maximum
oxygen consumption. The study involved 11 foreign students (men) from Morocco, aged 22 to 28
inclusive, who are part of the NUPh futsal team, and who trained from September 2020 to March 2021. Results: the data of the conducted study testify to the positive effect of the use of reverse running and walking in the training process and in the pre-competition period of foreign students
who are part of the national futsal team, namely, to determine the level of physical condition for an
indirect assessment of the maximum oxygen consumption. Conclusions: the significance of reverse
methods of movement was proved, as well as their introduction into the training process, which in
turn makes it possible for students to increase the level of their physical qualities and physical

Author Biography

Ganna Ilnytska , National University of Pharmacy

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Ilnytska , G., Ocheredko , L., Zelenenko, . N., Ilnytsky , S., & Ilnytskа L. (2023). The use of reverse running and walking in the training process of futsal players. Sports Games, (3(21), 14–21.


