Forming of attention in future aviation specialists by means of sports games




attention span, professional activity, aviation industry, physical exercises, professionally important qualities


The paper focuses on forming professionally important qualities in students of flight
higher education institutions. The paper covers the general concept of attention, its importance in
professional activities of aviation specialists, and presents means and methods of improving
attention through sports games along with specially selected exercises for attention training. The
purpose of the paper is to prove the efficiency of sports games in the forming of attention span in
future specialists of the aviation industry. Material and methods. Methods of theoretical analysis of
scientific-methodical literature about the problem of forming attention span in future specialists,
pedagogical experiment, statistical analysis of the received information with the purpose of its
implementation in the educational process of flight higher education institutions were used in the
study process. The results of the study. The paper analyzes and defines the concept of attention,
covers its types and properties. The importance of attention for aviation specialties is substantiated.
Methods of activating attention for the purpose of its improvement at physical training classes are
shown. An experiment was conducted, that resulted in information showing the importance of sports
games in forming the attention of future aviation specialists. Conclusions. As a result of the
research, it was revealed that significant changes in indicators occurred at the end of the experiment
in the experimental group, and statistically significant differences were observed with the indicators
of the control group, which worked on a special method of attention development, using sports
games and ball exercises. In the future, we intend to increase the number of samples to test the
predictability of this technique, comparing the results with the data of the assessment of the amount
of attention in professional selection, as well as training on simulators.

Author Biography

Olena Lopatіuk , Flight Academy of the National Aviation University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite

Lopatіuk O. (2023). Forming of attention in future aviation specialists by means of sports games. Sports Games, (3(21), 31–39.


