Development of endurance in senior preschoolers by means of sports games




endurance sports games, senior preschoolers, level of endurance development, work system


The article analyzes the research on the problem of
endurance development in older preschool children by means of sports games. It is noted that one
of the features of the development of physical qualities, including endurance, in preschool children
is heterochrony (diversity) of their formation at different ages. The influence of sports games on the
development of endurance in older preschool children is substantiated. The general level of
development of endurance in children of senior preschool age is defined. The system of work on
development of endurance at senior preschoolers by means of sports games is offered. In the
process of conducting sports games special breathing exercises were used, the teachers sought to
conduct classes in an atmosphere which is rich in oxygen (outdoors, in the park, in a hall with
strong ventilation). The development of endurance, unlike other motor skills, required a special
approach due to a certain danger caused by the negative impact of difficult physical exercises on
the body of preschoolers. In childhood, a significant part of energy resources is spent on the
development of the child and very heavy physical activity can affect her body adversely. Therefore,
in the process of conducting an experimental study physical exercises dosed clearly. The efficiency
of the proposed work system on endurance development in senior preschoolers by means of sports
games is checked. It has been established that sports games are an important means of developing
endurance in older preschool children, significantly affect the improvement of autonomic functions
and systems of the child's body, increase his endurance to various muscular efforts. In such a way a
reserve for improving the general efficiency of preschool children is created.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Titarenko , Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of
Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology Department

Yuliya Babаchuk , Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University

Assistant of the Theory and Methods of Physical Education


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How to Cite

Titarenko , S., & Babаchuk Y. (2023). Development of endurance in senior preschoolers by means of sports games. Sports Games, (2(20), 100–111.


